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your event

About MedicaList

What is MedicaList? exists to provide you with the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of medical conferences worldwide, offering everything you need to decide which event to register for. Events include:

Information centres
Activity workshops
Investigations & hands-on sessions
Teach-ins and talks

Event categories

The sciences underpinning human medicine overlap. Physicians have many specializations and sub-specializations, which are listed on our Find Event page. Classifications and definitions vary from country to country, and consequently, there may be some inconsistency in the scope of various specialties.

Find a medical event

Select your field of interest and approximate date on our Find Event page.

Please note that the listing of an event does not mean that endorses it. We cannot answer any queries regarding specific events. Please direct any questions to the event secretariat.

There is no fee and no registration required to search for events on this website. Our service is completely free!

Submit your event

Enter your conference details here, and they will appear on the website immediately.

Details will normally be listed until the closing date of your conference. If you would like your event to be listed beyond that date, simply email us with the MedicaList Event Code (as shown at the bottom of its webpage) and the date until which you would like the details to be retained.

There is no fee to add or modify your event.

Be assured that we keep your information secure and private. We do NOT sell or share any of your information with market researchers, mailing list companies, etc. Please see our Privacy Policy.

Unsuitable events


Note that we reserve the right to remove any submission we feel is not in keeping with other events listed on these pages.

Typically, we will remove general management courses, industrial and regulatory compliance seminars for manufacturers, pharma R&D, topics considered by mainstream scientific opinion to be pseudomedicine, content that may be offensive, etc. Entries will also be removed if we consider your "event" to be fake or its authenticity dubious.

Make sure your event website does not autoplay sound when it is opened. Be aware that medical staff may open your webpage in an area where unexpected audio could be disruptive. Events submitted with autoplay will be deleted.

If you are not sure whether MedicaList is suitable for your event, simply email us.

Suitable events


If your event targets practicing physicians, nurses, paramedics, medical students, young investigators, researchers, dietitians, therapists, radiographers, and other practicing healthcare professionals, then your event is most likely suitable for MedicaList...

...and those professionals will be very interested in your event!

Is your event already listed on this site?

Maximise attendance by adding extra information to your existing event page. Simply tell us your changes and we'll update your page as soon as possible.

Warning: If you have extra information about your event, it's important you update your existing page. Don't be tempted to add a second page for the same event. Multiple pages for the same event are considered spam and will be removed!

Why is MedicaList free?

We don't charge you anything to search for events, or to submit events to our database. Neither do we get any sponsorship from companies or organisers to promote their events. This site is financially supported entirely by the Google adverts you'll see on these pages.

About this website

This website was created and is maintained by MedicaList in Japan. We are not a web development company; our role is to bring medical professionals and conference organisers together.

If you're looking for a professional builder for your website, mobile app or any other web application, we can highly recommend MERISIS Technology. They are a British company with an excellent track record of tailoring state-of-the-art systems for their clients. Whether your requirements are simple or complex, large or small, local or global, MERISIS are well worth checking out!

Want to know more?

Legal notices are provided in our privacy policy, copyright and disclaimer pages. If you have any other questions about this website, just drop us an email.