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your event

Reasons for events being removed

Event details are removed from the MedicaList register if:

  • We have been informed by the event organiser that the event has been cancelled, or we have been asked by the event organiser to remove the event details.
  • The event is already listed in the register. Multiple postings of the same event can unfairly stifle other events.
  • MedicaList is an unsuitable medium for the event. See About MedicaList for the type of events that can be registered.
  • We have been advised that the event is fake.

If you have any questions about why an event has been removed, please email us, telling us the MedicaList Event Code (as shown at the bottom of its webpage) and why you feel it should not be removed. We will review the event, reinstate if we determine it has been removed erroneously, or leave it removed if we determine it should not be reinstated.